Fostering Productivity and Innovation in Services Sector
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Developing a Digital Workforce
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr.Amit Kapoor shared his views on “Developing Digital Workforce” at the Digital India Summit, a flagship event of Times...
Comparative Global Innovation Policies
amitkapoor, , Innovation, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor was a part of the panel discussion at 2018 Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance Summit in...
Innovating for a better world: a global perspective
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor as a Plenary Speaker at 2014 Academy of Business in Society (ABIS) Doctoral Summer School on September...
Strategy, Economic Development and Competitiveness
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor shared his views on competitiveness and strategy at the Aalto Executive Summit 2015 Program on August 17-18, 2015...
Shared Value Leadership Summit 2019
amitkapoor, , Shared Value, Speaking, 0
At a time of change, challenges, and growing inequality, society is increasingly looking to business to address pressing social,...
Role of Technology and Innovation in Rural Healthcare in India
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor presented at the Harvard Belfer Conference, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA on June 5, 2012 Role of technology and...
Unlocking India’s Mineral Wealth: Policy Priorities
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor was a part of the Round Table Discussion on “Unlocking India’s Mineral Wealth: Policy Priorities” organised...
Building on Jugaad: India’s Road to Transformative Innovation
amitkapoor, , Innovation, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the Roundtable on “Building on Jugaad: India’s Road to Transformative Innovation” organised by U.S. Chamber of...