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The U.S.-India Technology Corridor and India’s G20 Leadership
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor was a panellist at the Series on Naren Lexus Legacy Half Day Conference hosted by Asia Society...
Competition is the answer to corruption
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor shared his views on the panel “Rule of Law: How to create institutions that work for everyone?”...
Economic Development and Competitiveness
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor interacted with the The Basque delegation lead by Minister Arantxa Tapiaon March 23, 2015 at Mumbai. The Press Release...
Future Proofing India: Educating Gen next for fuzzy careers
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor moderated the session titled “Future Proofing India: Educating Gen next for fuzzy careers” at the Hero Mindmine...
Meet The New Mobility Industry Vanguard: A View From the Trenches
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shred his views at the New Mobility Special Interest Session on September 9, 2014 at ITS...
Global Recession Fears: Real or Magnified
amitkapoor, , Media, Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor shared his views on the program Global Recession Fear: Real or Magnified. The program was aired on...
Infrastructure, innovation and access to medicines
amitkapoor, , Healthcare, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at a round table on “Increasing access to medicines – perspectives from civil...
5th International Congress on Patient Safety
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at the 5th International Congress on Patient Safety on October 16-17, 2015...