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India can’t be complacent on innovation
amitkapoor, , Articles, States and Cities, 0
The new year is upon us. It has been 17 years into the 21st century and if one word...
Here’s Where the Future of Jobs in India Lies
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0
Here’s where the future of jobs in India lies The World Economic Forum on January 18, 2016, released a...
India is only as ‘socially progressive’ as Yemen, Ghana, Nigeria, Pakistan and Congo! Ranks 101 of 133 countries in ‘Social Progress Index’
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0
India is only as ‘socially progressive’ as Yemen, Ghana, Nigeria, Pakistan and Congo! Ranks 101 of 133 countries in...
A new development paradigm; more synergies and less trade-offs
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, 0
Conventional growth models are consumption-driven, supported by a robust manufacturing sector. The world’s emerging economies, including India, need an...
Indian economy at its tipping point
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, 0
Leveraging Global Value Chains: A Recipe for Propelling India’s Manufacturing sector for Inclusive Development India today is in a...
Two Sides of the Same Crisis: Stock Markets and Real Economy
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Policy, Economic Times, 0
Two Sides of the Same Crisis: Stock Markets and Real Economy Here’s the conundrum. The unemployment levels in India...
Pollution, productivity and prosperity in South Asian cities
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0
Pollution, productivity and prosperity in South Asian cities That the environment in cities in India and the broader South Asian region...
Climate action: India and the LiFE force
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0
The onus of implementing sustainable policy can no longer be doled out to states alone. As per the Human...