Dr. Amit Kapoor was a panelist at the US – Asia CEO forum 2021. The forum had speakers from across wide range of C-level executives from the United States, India, China, Singapore and Japan join the forum. The forum was organised on May 14-15, 2021 by Silicon Value Future Academy and US-Asia Technology Management Centre, Stanford University.
The brochure with the complete program and speakers can be looked at https://amitkapoor.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Brochure_US-Asia-CEO-Forum-2021.pdf
The videos of the forum can be looked at
Part A recording ( before break)https://stanford.zoom.us/rec/share/JLu4H_gKXttpfBOD21zRGK3UyzM_h0veGF5RVwdvQ9-oUZM_gmLUs3kRedfWTaQ9.payplvD21cGJD2mI?startTime=1621040662000
Part B recording (after break)