Dr. Amit Kapoor chaired the session at Sustainability Conclave organised by IIT Delhi on September 9, 2019. Sustainability Conclave is flagship event – a platform to disseminate information from a variety of sources on approaches and techniques used successfully in different communities to develop key aspects of their local economies on a sustainable basis. It will also showcase to the world, India’s plans, policies and priorities on sustainability by identifying the most topical issues, pertaining to the economy, environment and sustainability.

Economy is about conserving resources and the concept is used to define and explain the value resources have today and their possible value in the future. Economic sustainability is an integrated part of sustainability and means that we must use, safeguard and sustain resources (human and material) to create long-term sustainable values by optimal use, recovery and recycling. In other words, we must conserve finite natural resources today so that future generations too can cater to their needs. Conclave aims to define a path and evolve a strategy to facilitate development whilst protecting the environment.

The responsbility of every government is to establish local economies that are economically viable, environmentally sound and socially responsible. Achieving this goal requires participation from all sectors of the community, both to determine community needs and to identify and implement innovative and appropriate solutions.

Mindshare desires the speakers to present their ideas of sustainable economy in their respective research area.

Dr. Amit Kapoor chaired the session at Sustainability Conclave organised by IIT Delhi on September 9, 2019.


3.00-3.10 pm

Welcome address by Prof. Sushil (Professor IIT Delhi & Editor-in-Chief of Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management)

3.10-3.20 pm

Introductory address by Dr. M. Sajjad Hassan (PhD London School of Economcis)

3.20-3.30 pm

Presentation by Prof. Naseeb Ahmad (Jamia Millia Islamia) on ‘‘Sustainability in a Business organisation’.

3.30-3.45 pm

Address by Dr. Sandeep Pandey (Magsaysay Award Winner) on ‘Sustainable Livelihood and Sustainability implication of Indian economy’.

3.45-4.20 pm

Lecture by Prof. Pritam Singh (Wolfson College, University of Oxford) on ‘Sustainability implications of the emerging BRICS economies’.

4.20-4.40 pm

Comcluding remarks by 

Prof. Amit Kapoor (Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness, Editor-in-Chief of Thinkers and Visiting Professor of Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School)

4.40-4.45 pm

Vote of thanks by Prof. Tabassum (University of Delhi)


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