GNFC Neem Project: The Ecosystem of Shared Value (Harvard Business Publishing)
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Sabka Prayas: How the citizens can do their bit
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0
Sabka Prayas: How the citizens can do their bit As India entered her 75th year of independence, the Honourable...
We must pursue promises of New Delhi Declaration
amitkapoor, , Articles, Mint, 0
Much has been said and written about G20 processes in India over the past one year. The 200+ meetings...
Has India become globally competitive since Modi government?
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0
Has India become globally competitive since Modi government? India’s position, since the Narendra Modi government completed one year in...
Bridging the digital divide
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0
Bridging the digital divide India is among the underperformers on access to Information and Communications Technology One of the...
Discerning the Future
amitkapoor, , Arthashastra, Articles, 0
Discerning the Future The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated some of the major trends that had already started to shake...
Why Healthcare Access Eludes India?
amitkapoor, , Articles, 0
Why Healthcare Access Eludes India? The importance of ensuring healthcare access cannot be overstated for a developing country like...
The Alluring Twenties: What Would it Take to Replicate the 1920s?
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0
The Alluring Twenties: What Would it Take to Replicate the 1920s? A year ago, prospects for the global economy...
Not just a one-horse town: Empower Opposition to become active political participants
amitkapoor, , Articles, Economic Times, 0
By Amit Kapoor & Inputs by Meenakshi Ajith The adjective ‘competitive’ in the context of someone’s personality trait, may...