Dr. Amit Kapoor shared his views at a round table on “Increasing access to medicines – perspectives from civil society” on September 12, 2017 at Yale Club of New York.


Increasing access to medicines – perspectives from civil society

0800 Continental breakfast (optional)
0900 Welcome remarks, Philip Stevens, Director, Geneva Network
 0905-1015 Barriers to access – the problem of health financing

Moderator –   Alberto Saracho, Fundacion IDEA, Mexico

Franklin Cudjoe, Founding President, Imani, Ghana

Amir Ullah Khan, Policy Advisor, BMGF India

Jasson Urbach, Director, Free Market Foundation of Southern Africa

1015-1030 Coffee
1030-1140 Barriers to international and domestic distribution of medicines

 Moderator –Steve Globerman, Fraser Institute

Matthias Bauer, Senior Economist, European Centre for International Political Economy

Pradeep Mehta, President, CUTS International, India

Selin Arshalanmemis, TEPAV, Turkey

1140-1200 Infrastructure, innovation and access to medicines

Amit Kapoor, Indian Council on Competitiveness

1200 Sandwich lunch


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