Dr. Amit Kapoor presented his views on DD News English on February 1, 2025. The complete session can be looked at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBAGQ1As90U

A huge amount given what India needs so you are talking about improving the quality of your of your Skilling or quality of your labor and that would actually give you a better benefit over a period of time and similarly I think there is a larger thinking as I see within this budget and that is that if India wants to be an innovation driven economy and how do we really tackle or push forth The Innovation engine. This is where you’re talking about AR tinkering Labs. I am so what you call absolutely positive on that because the future lies with the younger generation and what the government is trying to do here is that focus on that youth and try to enable them to actually innovate and move forward uh and you cannot ignore the fact that given the kind of AI developments that are happening the government has also announced that there would be an AI Mission so you are spending 500 crores of course from my point of view that is fairly less amount of money but the private sector should

pull in the government has done its part here but I think the corporate sector will have to do its part now because you know like when we talk about the budget everything seems to be all government is to do everything. I think this is where the responsibility of the corporations also become very very clear that you have to move towards Innovation value driven strategies and that is what you would have to look at government has done its kind of focus that you’re having on Rural Development there is a clear understanding that India is Urban as well as Rural. You are talking about a rural development budget which is close to about 266,000 crores the

Urban Development budget is close to about 97,000 crores you are recognizing that both these are going to be the engines of growth urbanization is going to be important. when you talk about comparativeness as well it’s about movement of land and labor Capital Etc

©2025 Amit Kapoor


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