Dr. Amit Kapoor made a presentation at a Seminar: Opportunities in India on June 13, 2013 at Håndverkeren, Rosenkrantz gate 7, Oslo.

BI Norwegian Business School (Department for Strategy and Logistics) in cooperation with Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry and Innovation Norway will arrange the seminar, Opportunities in India, in Oslo, June 13, 2013.

Where is the world’s tenth biggest economy headed? And how can you do business there?

Where is the world’s tenth biggest economy headed? And how can you do business there?

India is a country of 1.2 billion people and the tenth largest economy in the world. Yet it often falls in the shadow of the faster growing Chinese economy, or the smaller, more agile economies in South East Asia.

Where is the Indian economy headed? How do you do business in India? And what can we learn from Norwegian companies that have already established themselves in the Indian market?

Minster of Trade and Industry, Trond Giske will give the welcome remarks.

Opening remarks
Professor Torger Reve, BI Norwegian Business School

Welcome remarks – Where do we stand on India?
Minister Trond Giske,The Ministry of Trade and Industry

Drivers, Trends, and Sectoral Trajectories of the Indian Economy
Anthony D’Costa, Copenhagen Business School

How to do business in India
Amit Kapoor, Management Development Institute, India

The Indian market seen from a Norwegian business perspective – Opportunities and Challenges
Harald Nævdal, Innovation Norway
– Coffee break – 10:35

Panel discussion: How can Norwegian companies join the economic growth in India?
Speakers & Representatives from Norwegian companies operating in India:

Hilde M. Tonne, Executive Vice President and Head of Group Industrial development – served as Deputy Head of Telenor’s operations in Asia in 2010-2011 and as EVP Communications and CR prior to that.

Pål Helsing, Executive Vice President, Kongsberg,
President Kongsberg Oil and Gas Technologies

Moderator: Torger Reve
– Lunch: Sandwiches & Mingling – 11:30

©2025 Amit Kapoor


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