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Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries
amitkapoor, , Clusters, Competitiveness, Innovation, Social Progress, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor delivered a talk at Stanford University on “Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries” on April 17, 2019....
Discussion | S&P: India’s economy has track record of strong growth
amitkapoor, , Media, Speaking, 0
Discussion with experts Dr. Charan Singh, Eminent Economist & CEO, EGROW and Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman, Institute for...
When Your Customer is the Citizen: Improving Performance in the Public Sector
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor shared his views at the 14th Peter Drucker Forum hosted in Vienna on November 17-18, 2022. The...
Navigating the way forward post Covid-19
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Kapoor shared his thoughts at a session on Navigating the way forward post Covid-19 at the Big Conclave...
Partnerships and Education
amitkapoor, , Education, Speaking, 0
Global India Frontiers is the first pan-USA multidisciplinary academic conference that seeks to bring together multiple themes related to India’s...
Innovation for Competitiveness
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor conducted a workshop on March 24-29, 2013 at Grenoble Graduate School of Business One week intensive program was...
Role of ICT based Engineering Business Models in Rural Healthcare Market Development In India
amitkapoor, , Speaking, 0
The presentation was done by Anshul Pachouri at the conference “New Approaches to Building Markets in Asia :Phase 2...
Innovation: An Industry Perspective
amitkapoor, , Innovation, Speaking, 0
Dr. Amit Kapoor moderated a Round Table on Innovation: An Industry Perspective on March 11, 2019 at NITI Aayog....